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Lessons for Life Articles

An Inexperienced Diver Gets in Too Deep

In this Lessons for Life, an inexperienced diver is forced to make an emergency ascent runs out of air—and luck.

Lessons For Life: Asthmatic Diver

An asthmatic diver pays the price for not recognizing his limitations.

Scuba Diver Fails to Listen to His Heart

A scuba diver ignores the signs of a medical condition and chooses to dive anyways, leaving him unconscious and out of time.

Scuba Diver Leaves Buddy to Make Solo Wreck Dive

One scuba diver pays the ultimate price when he decides to leave his buddy to enter a shipwreck on his own.

Flying After Scuba Diving Makes DCS Symptoms Worse - Lessons for Life

A teen diver has a conservative dive profile, but shows symptoms of DCS. Despite the signs, he chooses to fly. See what went wrong.

Trapped and Alone Under a Shipwreck: Diver on DPV Learns a Lesson For Life

A diver tries to recover a boat that overturned and sank in a local harbor, but without the training needed to bring the boat to the surface he loses his life.

Scuba Diving & Heart Disease: Risks of Diving After Cardiac Arrest

In this installment, Eric Douglas explains what happens when you have a heart attack, and if it's safe to scuba dive after going into cardiac arrest.

Into the Dark | Lessons for Life

One man's first night dive would be his last dive — and night — ever. Find out what went wrong and how can you avoid it happening to you.

Experienced Scuba Diver Dies Under The Ice

Testing out new scuba diving gear leads to fatal mistakes for one experienced rescue diver.