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Lessons for Life Articles

Adrenalin Overdose

Two distracted scuba divers learn an important safety lesson in this edition of Lessons for Life.

Scuba Equipment Issues Get This Diver in Deep Trouble

Scuba diving safety lessons for scuba equipment malfunctions and how to deal with equipment issues while scuba diving.

Solo Freedive Leads to Disaster

Freediving safety lessons from a diver who neglected basic rules of freediving and was put in a tragic situation.

Task Loading Takes an Underwater Photographer to the Brink of Danger

Scuba diving safety tips for underwater photographers to avoid task loading and running out of air.

Two Scuba Divers Make All the Wrong Moves

What not to do when you're scuba diving and training tips from Scuba Diving's Lessons for Life column.

Pushing the Limits Leads a Diver to the Chamber

How an aggressive scuba diving schedule and overdependence on his computer led to DCS for one scuba diver.

Record Attempt Turns to Tragedy for Ill-Prepared Scuba Diver

Learn important scuba diving safety rules from a story about a diver dying while trying to set a personal record.

When Renting Scuba Gear Goes Wrong

Scuba diving safety tips for identifying decompression illness, DCI, and using rental gear on vacation.

Lessons for Life: Death in the Shallows

Another case study in our Dive Training Series "Lessons For Life": Panic, claustrophobia and poor decision-making lead to a dive fatality.