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Lessons for Life

Beginner's Misfortune | Lessons for Life

Scuba diving without any training or understanding of dive equipment ends in disaster.

Fight or Flight | Lessons for Life

When a diver fails to handle her anxiety, blind panic turns a routine training dive into tragedy.

Fraught Flight | Lessons for Life

Ignoring mild joint pain sends a diver from the airport to a decompression chamber.

Hypoxia Scare | Lessons for Life

A freediving accident drives home why you always need to dive with a buddy.

Missing Thread | Lessons for Life

Staying with your buddy is a fundamental rule of diving no matter how experienced you are.

How to Snorkel Safely | Lessons for Life

Be truthful on your medical form, be fit to dive and practice your finning to avoid a snorkel accident.

Outer Limits | Lessons for Life

Getting tangled in a buoy line sends a nervous diver over the edge, with disastrous results.

Trouble at 100 Feet | Lessons for Life

A cardiac event at depth highlights the importance of training for diving physically, not just mentally.

Check Mate? | Lessons for Life

Complacency leads a diver to start a dive with only reserve gas. It does not take long for the dive to spin out of control.