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Lessons for Life Articles

4 Reasons Scuba Divers Die

DAN's annual report on dive accidents highlights four factors common to fatal accidents. The good news: They're all preventable. Our dive-training tips.

Lack of Fitness Spells Disaster for Inexperienced Dive Duo

See what scuba diving lessons we can learn from this fatal accident: an inexperienced, out-of-shape diver dies close to shore.

Pushing the Limits on a Liveaboard Leads to DCI for this Scuba Diver

One scuba diver pushes his limits on a liveaboard trip and suffers from decompression illness as a result.

A Wreck Dive Costs This Unprepared Instructor His Life

Being unprepared for wreck penetration spells disaster for a showoff dive instructor.

Lessons For Life: Sinking Like A Stone

An experienced lobster diver ignores the basics and pays the price.

Scuba Diver With Leg Cramp Gets Swept Away From Their Buddy

A scuba diver gets a leg cramp and is then swept away by the current while their buddy is focused on taking photos.

Two Divers Attempt To Set Personal Depth Record When Nitrogen Narcosis Strikes

Nitrogen narcosis is no laughing matter for two divers trying to set a personal depth record. Get our lessons for life.

Three Divers Enter a Cave But Only Two Make It Out

Three buddies push their training and venture deep into a cave; only two make it out. Get our lessons for life.

Lessons for Life: Diver Runs Out of Air at Safety Stop

A new diver runs out of air at the safety stop and forgets her training. Learn from this panicked diver.