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New Release: Into the Drink Season 2

Just in time for the holidays: season two of Into the Drink available on DVD.

Video: How the Giant Squid was Captured on Film for the First Time

Giant squid almost have an amost mythical status, so it's no wonder that capturing one on film was such a big deal. Learn how researchers were able to find and record the giant squid in this TED talk featuring Oceanographic researcher Edith Widder.

Technical and Recreational Diving in NOAA's National Marine Sanctuaries

Learn more about technical and recreational diving at some of the most pristine locations in the country, and immerse yourself in the beauty of your national marine sanctuaries. Sanctuary waters are filled with unique ecosystems waiting to be explored, harboring a spectacular array of plants, animals and historical artifacts. NOAA provides a wealth of information related to diving and permits required to dive these national treasures.

DeepFlight Submarine, Flying Underwater

At this years DEMA convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, a DeepFlight submarine was featured at the GoPro booth. Read about the submarine and how it came to fruition here, also watch the GoPro video of it in use.

The Women Divers Hall of Fame to Welcome 6 New Members in 2015

The Women Divers Hall of Fame™ (WDHOF) — dedicated to recognizing and honoring the contributions of women divers — is proud to announce the selection of six new Members who will constitute the Class of 2015.

Video: Underwater Cameras Show Sharks Curiosity

Two recent encounters with sharks were caught on video, both instances show how curious sharks can be. Read to find out more about the two encounters!

Construction Unearths 15-Million-Year-Old Snaggletooth Shark Skeleton

A Maryland family finds 15-million-year-old shark fossil in their backyard, and it's the most complete ever seen.

Video: Diving with Sea Lions at Race Rocks

If you have time to watch a short video, make sure to check out this clip of divers at Race Rocks diving with sea lions!

Video: Beautiful Meadow Underwater for Half the Year

This is one of the most beautiful dive videos on the internet right now. Take the time to watch this relaxing video of a dive in a newly-flooded meadow.