Help REEF fight invasive lionfish species by scuba diving, hunting and fishing in the Caribbean, Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico.
In the mighty Amazon, giant snakes, vicious piranhas, prehistoric reptiles, and other fearsome creatures wait in the fresh water. Welcome to Brazil.
Brazil is full of monsters. In the Amazon giant snakes, vicious piranhas, prehistoric reptiles, mysterious shapeshifters and other creatures await scuba divers.
Facts about invasive lionfish in the Caribbean and Atlantic: Learn about their habits, why they are bad and dangerous, and even a few tasty ways to kill them.
Interview with National Geographic Photographer Brian Skerry on saving the ocean and what it feels like to be honored as a Sea Hero.
Spearfishing isn't just a sport, but also a way of life for spear fisherman like Antonio Negron who catches just enough to survive and eat.
Corals in motion: You won't believe this amazing underwater timelapse video. Earth is amazing.
Researchers are using 3-D imaging to study shipwrecks, and divers can create 3-D models as well using a regular camera or GoPro — here's how!
Want to swim with whales? Here are the best places to get in the water with sperm whales, the largest toothed predators in the world.