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Video: Scuba Diving Curaçao's West End

In this video see what it's like to go scuba diving on Curacao's beautiful coral reefs at two different dive sites, Mushroom Forest and Watamula.

Scuba Diving BCs: Behind-The-Scenes Photos Of ScubaLab's Gear Review

Behind-the-scenes of ScubaLab's gear review, where our team of scuba divers tested out the newest BCs at Blue Grotto Dive Resort in Williston, Florida.

Scuba Diving with Bull Sharks in Playa del Carmen, Mexico

Bull sharks may be associated with shark attacks, but they have a bad reputation. In reality, scuba diving with bull sharks can be amazing — especially in Mexico.

ArtToMedia: Meet the Men Behind the Amazing 3-D Scuba Diving Maps

To help make wreck diving safer and more fun, Otto Wagner and Raymond Poudrier began developing detailed underwater maps of wrecks and dive sites.

Local Tips for Scuba Diving the Oriskany Shipwreck in Pensacola, Florida

Using a map from ArtToMedia, we bring you the best dive profiles for penetrating the Mighty Oriskany shipwreck and tips for exploring the ship safely.

Joe Weatherby Sinks Ships and Transforms them into Thriving Marine Ecosystems

President of Artificial Reefs International Joe Weatherby has been sinking ships like the Vandenberg in Key West for years. Find out why and how he does it!

Coral Restoration Foundation Curaçao Plants 360 New Corals To Celebrate Anniversary

To help grow and protect local reefs, scuba divers working with the Coral Restoration Foundation Curaçao have planted 360 baby staghorn and elkhorn corals.

Tips for Scuba Diving in Low-Visibility or Silt-Out Situations

One minute the water is crystal clear, but with the kick of a fin everything is covered by silt. Do you know how to survive in a low-visibility situation?

Join Save Ontario Shipwrecks to Help Protect these Great Lakes Dive Sites

Save Ontario Shipwrecks is a nonprofit that works to preserve the many boats underwater in the Great Lakes, and they need scuba divers to help on this mission!