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How to Photograph Over/Under Split Shots

Pro photography tips for photographing over/under split shots.
By Brent Durand | Published On December 18, 2018
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How to Photograph Over/Under Split Shots

brent durand underwater photography

Pro underwater photography tips for nailing over/under split shot photos.

Brent Durand

The destinations we visit as scuba divers are some of the most beautiful in the world. We dive on incredible reefs, witness unique marine-life behavior, learn about local cultures, and absorb the rhythm of exotic landscapes.

Photographers face the ­continual challenge of portraying these ­places in just a few images, and it’s no ­surprise that over/under images (often called split shots) are a popular way to ­accomplish this.

The Gear

Over/unders are generally shot using ­fisheye lenses because the wide field of view includes areas above and below the waterline. Divers with a large lens selection also might opt for a wide-angle or ultra-wide-angle lens in order to minimize distortion. Compact shooters use a wide-angle wet lens to expand the field of view of the native camera lens.

Large dome ports are most commonly used for shooting over/unders. This is because the larger area provides more room for the waterline to roll across the dome while keeping both sides of the scene in the frame, allowing the ­diver to concentrate on ­composition.

Strobes and ­video lights can also be used for creative ­lighting above, below and/or shining through the ­waterline.


Over/under shots usually require deep depth of field in order to keep the entire scene in focus. To achieve this, increase the aperture to a higher number. Start at f/16 with crop sensors, f/18 with full frame, and f/10 with compacts. Shutter speed should be above the 1/160s to minimize blur.

The focus point is another critical ­consideration. A manual spot-focus ­setting will allow you to precisely position the focus point on the subject, whether it’s above or below the surface. Manual focus-point control will also ­provide flexibility for shooting horizontal and portrait orientation.

Shooting Tips

Carefully Compose: The best over/­unders have elements of interest both above and below the surface. Above water, this can be as simple as clouds, a boat or palm trees.

Fill the Frame: Over/unders are easily recognized, but a prominent subject will deliver more initial impact for the viewer.

Watch the Water: The waterline wave has the ability to add great energy to the composition, so think carefully about how you would like it to split the scene.