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Brent Durand

Brent Durand is an avid diver striving to bring ocean awareness to new audiences. He teaches underwater photography and can be found diving California's kelp forests.

When to Upgrade Your Underwater Camera Gear

Smartphones and compact cameras are great, but if you really want to elevate your underwater photo game, you need the right equipment—here's how to know if you're ready to level up.

How to Take a Wide-Angle Photo Underwater

Underwater photography can mostly be divided into two categories: macro and wide-angle. Here, we're showing you how to elevate the latter.

A Beginner's Guide to Using Underwater Strobes

Photo expert Brent Durand shares his tips and tricks on how to improve your underwater photos using artificial light.

Top Editing Software and Tools for Underwater Photographers

These simple photo-editing tools will make your underwater photos pop. Photo pro Brent Durand breaks down what you need to know about photo editing software.

Intro to Underwater Photo Composition

Even with the best equipment money can buy, you still need to understand basic composition to fin away with a standout shot. Master these basics, and you'll be on the path to pro.

Introduction to Manual Underwater Photography

Before becoming a professional photographer, you have to master the basics. These are the most important settings to help you get started.

The Importance of Learning a Wreck's History

Most divers agree: Exploring a wreck in the depths is an awe-inspiring experience. That experience is only enhanced when you understand the history of each submerged vessel.

Adventure for Divers Is Everywhere

Divers rarely have to look far for an adventure—when you spend so much time underwater, the adventure comes to you, whether in your own backyard or some far-flung destination.

Back in Action: Diving After An Injury

Returning to the water after an injury, surgery or other medical condition can be intimidating. You can change your perspective to break free of the loop and establish new productive habits that will get you back in diving shape