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Florida Keys Lobster Mania

In the Florida Keys, our interpid reporter joins 50,000 bug-crazed hunters in the search for the dive world's most expensive free meal.

Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary

Ready for a little southern rock?

Tips for Low-Vis Diving

What to do when the water turns from gin-clear to Bloody Mary.

Beat Camera Floods

How to keep shooting when gremlins crash your dive.

A Beginner's Guide to Underwater Digital Video

Make memories and impress your nondiving friends with our guide to underwater video imaging.

Housed Systems: Are You Ready?

A housed SLR camera system is a significant commitment. Be sure you're ready.

Paul Waldeck of Boston, Mass.

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week Paul Waldeck Congratulations Paul ...

David E. Bohn of Fort Collins, Colo.

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week David E. Bohn Congratulations David E. ...

Gut Check

Tummy troubles can bubble up before, during or after a dive. Manage yours with our guide to gastrointestinal woes.