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Top 10 Signs Your Buddy is Suffering From Nitrogen Narcosis

Our readers have come up with some pretty funny ways to tell whether a diver is under the influence. Check out the top 10 signs your buddy Is narced.

Diving Without a Leg To Stand On

Plus: Diving after a root canal and a cold and flu quiz.

12 Bonaire Hotels Offer Packages for the 8th Annual Dive Festival, June 5 - 19, 2004

12 hotels, an all-time high number, are featuring special packages for the Eighth Annual Bonaire Dive Festival taking place June 5 - 19, 2004. Offered by accommodations that range from luxury to moderate, the Festival packages include value-added ...

Class of 2004

15 newcomers battle for bragging rights as the best breathers of the year.


Why fly halfway around the world when you can find feisty great whites just south of the border--and just off California.

Offshore San Diego

Deepwater Blues (Pacific blue sharks)

9/7: How to Spot an Unsafe Dive Boat

The boat looks generally battered and unpainted. A captain might be careless about the cosmetic appearance of his boat, but fastidious about maintaining his pumps and filters. More likely, if he neglects what the customers can see, he neglects ...

Night Moves

If you only photograph the reef when the sun's out, you're missing half the fun.

Ben Poch of Dallas, Texas

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week Ben Poch Congratulations Ben Poch on ...