Here's where advanced divers can get their fix from Micronesia to Michigan.
Check out these dive sites and topside adventures in coastal New Hampshire.
An underwater photographer road trips this underdived state to find adventure in his own backyard.
Domestic and international getaways perfect for Open Water divers.
The state’s Gulf Coast is littered with monumental purpose-sunk wrecks teeming with tropical fish, due in part to state programs that continuously add on to the artificial reef system.
An underwater proposal, a lionfish wedding, renewing vows at an undersea hotel — love is different in the Florida Keys!
Whether you plan to get scuba certified or want to advance your dive certification, the Florida Keys provide dive opportunities for all.
This PADI Five Star dive center boasts an unbeatable Fort Lauderdale
The best dives for winter 2022, couples and liaveaboard newbes.