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The Andrea Doria

In the early 1970s Don Rodocker and Chris DeLucchi formed a new company, Saturation Systems Inc. Drawing on their extensive training and experience as U.S. Navy saturation divers (Rodocker was selected to make the first 850 foot saturation dive; ...

Diving The Chester Poling

A 1,500-ton steel wreck off Cape Ann, Mass., is a testament to the sometimes powerful fury of Mother Nature.

The Andrea Doria

No ship has done more to shape the face of modern wreck diving than the Italian luxury liner Andrea Doria.

The Stories Behind the Florida Keys' Dive Sites

There's a quirky story behind every dive site in the Florida Keys, a larger-than-life island chain.

Southeast Florida's Wrecks and Oil Rigs

Florida's southeast coast is lined with shipwrecks and retired oil rigs — and Miami Vice-worthy stories behind their sinkings.

The Other Micronesia

The islands of Kosrae and Pohnpei are a dive traveler's dream, complete with eerie ruins, a surreal blue hole and mind-numbing rituals. Plus: an insider's guide to unforgettable island-hopping.

The Tobago Twist

Everything's a little different underwater off the Caribbean island of Tobago.

Mysteries Of The Underworld

Diving Belize for whale sharks, blue holes and secrets of the ancient Maya

Shore Diving in the O.C.

While the rest of SoCal sits in rush-hour gridlock, savvy divers know to exit in Orange County for first-rate beach diving.