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Photo Gallery: 25 Turtles from Around the Globe

Who loves turtles? You do! And we do too. Turtle lovers can dive with their favorite ocean friends all over the world;

Washed Ashore: Creating Art Using Marine Debris

Washed Ashore is making art out of the marine debris that threatens our oceans.

Underwater Photo Gallery: Camouflaged Critters

Many reef creatures have adapted in such a way that they can hide in plain view. Judy G presents a photo gallery of these masters of disguise.

9 Awe-Inspiring Archipelagos

For divers, all archipelagos are not created equal. Follow our lead to nine of the most awe-inspiring of the bunch.

Scuba Diving on Rebreather in Grand Cayman Island

Want to scuba dive on a rebreather? Read how to get trained and experience diving with no bubbles in the beautiful Caribbean Island Grand Cayman.

Join a Thrilling Seven-Night Research Odyssey Aboard the Four Seasons Explorer

Study the Maldives’ most exciting residents— manta rays and whale sharks

Dive of a Lifetime in the Bahamas

Dive of a Lifetime in the Bahamas

Video: Diving Gardens of the Queen in Cuba

Cuba's Gardens of the Queen is one of the hottest dive locales in the Caribbean — and for good reason. It offers an amazing diversity of underwater wildlife.

Liveaboard Diving in Pulau Weh Aboard the Thailand Aggressor

Pulau Weh is Indonesia's latest dive hot spot. Diving this world-class dive destination from a liveaboard may the the greatest vacation you've ever had!