Mary O'Malley helps nations understand why we need to save sharks and manta rays. She has worked in Indonesia and with WildAid, Shark Savers and Manta Trust.
Book your vacation to Cuba's Jardines de la Reina, or Gardens of the Queen, where sharks, crocodiles, classic American cars and even more thrills are always on the menu.
SCUBA VIDEO: National Geographic provides viewers a glimpse of neon sharks and other neon se life near the Solomon Islands.
This scuba diver has dedicated her life to conservation work in the South Pacific and was instrumental in the development of the Cook Islands Shark Sanctuary.
Wide-angle lenses, fast shutter speeds and good spatial awareness all are key in capturing great pictures of sharks.
Shark Angels founder and shark activist Julie Andersen shares why you should do as she says — and not as she has done.
Divers are drawn to Cocos Island as if on a pilgrimmage, but this teeming biodiversity hotspot is threatened by illegal fishing. Learn what you can do to help.