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Shark Saver Julie Andersen Honored for Protecting Sharks Worldwide

Julie Andersen believes all divers can develop the communication and advocacy skills to become guardians for sharks.

Ned and Anna DeLoach's Critter Hunt

Check out _Scuba Diving_'s "Critter Hunt" articles and videos from beloved naturalists Ned and Anna DeLoach.

What It's Like: To Dive as a Double Amputee

Wounded warrior Scott Schroeder returns to the water with the Task Force Dagger Recreational Therapy program.

Australia protects 1.2 million square miles of ocean

Australia recently announced the world’s largest network of marine reserves, increasing the total number of protected areas from 27 to 60.

New iPad app celebrates 50-year mark for Navy SEAL divers

This enhanced iPad edition of Navy Seals 50 explores the SEAL story through video and photos.

Giant Strides in Underwater Photography

Top Five Things I Learned at the Backscatter Digital Shootout

California MPAs: Top 10 Dive Sites

Like a shimmering string of pearls, California’s newly linked — and expanded— MPAs beckon to divers

First Look at the USS Mohawk in its New Home

Divers with first dibs on the newest wreck in southwest Florida explore the USS Mohawk.

Sinking the Mohawk

A behind-the-scenes account of how the new Mohawk Veterans Memorial Reef was created.