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Marine Life

Jellyfish Pictures From Our 2016 Underwater Photo Contest

View some amazing jellyfish images from our 2016 photo contest. These underwater shooters really captured the ethereal beauty of these other worldly beings.

World's Best Places for Muck Diving at Night

Looking for an amazing night dive? Try muck diving in the Philippines, Indonesia, Palau and St. Vincent to see tiny creatures and get amazing underwater photos.

These Amazing Sea Turtle Photos Will Help You Get Through Work

Sea turtle images, because why not? We love diving with turtles of all shapes and sizes, so we made a gallery of underwater turtle photos for you to enjoy!

Best Manta Night Dives

Check out the best places to scuba dive with manta rays at night.

Shark and Manta Dives Help Conservation, Studies Show

How can you help save mantas and sharks from extinction? Go dive with them.

Underwater Photographer Thomas Peschak Joins Scuba Diving’s Sea Heroes

Thomas Peschak is a globally ­recognized photographer for ­National Geographic magazine who inspires ­millions with his images.

Harbor Seals Get Equipped with "Smartphones" To Help Recover Their Populations

Can a new tracking technology help save harbor-seal populations in the UK? The Sea Mammal Research Unit of University of St. Andrews will find out.

The University of Miami is Introducing High School Students to Shark Research

The University of Miami is taking a hands-on approach to marine conservation through shark research.