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Marine Conservation

Underwater Photographer Amanda Cotton Joins Scuba Diving’s Sea Heroes

Underwater photographer, expedition leader and Women Divers Hall of Famer Amanda Cotton founded Water Women Inc. — making her *Scuba Diving's* July 2017 Sea Hero.

A New Dive Site for The British Virgin Islands

What's it take to bring a monster to life? One British billionaire and a dedicated team of artists, engineers and volunteers.

South Carolina Hospital Saves Sea Turtles Dying From Ocean Trash

Sick turtles are getting a helping hand in a South Carolina hospital.

Do You Really Know What's in That Can of Tuna?

Here are four things to consider when buying canned tuna.

3D Printed Coral Could Save Reefs

3D printing might be the answer to preserving coral reefs.

August 2015 Sea Hero: Laura James

This two-time Emmy-winning filmmaker is our August Sea Hero for her commitment and passion for our oceans.

7 Things Divers Can Do Every Day To Help Our Oceans

Help keep our oceans clean by making these simple changes to your daily routine.

How Whales Became the Biggest Animals on Earth

Ever wonder why baleen whales became so colossal? Scientists have a theory.

Hawaiian Monk Seal Expedition Underway in Northwestern Hawaiian Islands

The NOAA ship *Oscar Elton Sette* is on a 24-day research expedition to monitor, study and help the endangered species.