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Ben Poch of Dallas, Texas

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On October 18, 2006
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Ben Poch of Dallas, Texas

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week

Ben Poch

Congratulations Ben Poch on being named Photographer of the Week
Ben Poch Ben Poch from Dallas, Texas Age: 21 Years Diving: 10
Location: Bonaire Fish ID: Damselfish Camera: Fujichrome Velvia 100 Comments: This damsel would not leave me and my camera alone. This picture was actually one of about fifteen. It just all came together on this one shot.
Eagle ray
Location: Bonaire Fish ID: Eagle ray Camera: Fujichrome Velvia 100 Comments: I realized too late that this eagle ray was swimming parallel to me about 100 feet to my right. I only had the chance to take one picture and this is how it came out.
Cup coral
Location: Bonaire Fish ID: Cup coral Camera: Fujichrome Velvia 100 Comments: This shot was one of about twenty-five with cup coral being the subject. Cup coral is extremely difficult to focus on because it is so intricate and only comes out at night. This was taken underneath the town pier at night.
Location: Bonaire Fish ID: Grouper Camera: Fujichrome Velvia 100 Comments: Most of the time, grouper will run into the coral as you get close. I was lucky enough to find the one grouper that let me get off about ten shots before he swam away. This grouper was a fantastic subject.
Gorgonian coral
Location: Bonaire Fish ID: Gorgonian coral Camera: Fujichrome Velvia 100 Comments: Just a beautiful shot of a Gorgonian coral. Bonaire has an abundance of Gorgonians; the only problem is lighting them. This shot was lit by two 200 watt Ikelites.
Location: Bonaire Fish ID: Cowfish Camera: Fujichrome Velvia 100 Comments: Just what was happening here, I don't know. But as I was photographing, a seahorse, I looked to my left and found two cowfish swimming together, only they were changing their colors like mad.
Plume worms
Location: Bonaire Fish ID: Plume worms Camera: Fujichrome Velvia 100 Comments: These two guys were just sitting there together. I took the shot and got it perfectly.
Green-purple anemones
Location: Bonaire Fish ID: Green-purple anemones Camera: Fujichrome Velvia 100 Comments: This is truly a story of "you only get one chance." I was in a hurry to get a double reef system and was swimming across a barren sandy stretch when I saw something under a lone rock. As I swam onto the other side of it, I found these two little anemones just hanging out together. This is the only shot I got of them.

| Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week|

Ben Poch

| Congratulations Ben Poch on being named Photographer of the Week | | | |

| ![Damselfish](/files/old/images/potw_images/020429PW_01_poch_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Bonaire **Fish ID:** Damselfish **Camera:** Fujichrome Velvia 100 **Comments:** This damsel would not leave me and my camera alone. This picture was actually one of about fifteen. It just all came together on this one shot.| | ![Eagle ray](/files/old/images/potw_images/020429PW_02_poch_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Bonaire **Fish ID:** Eagle ray **Camera:** Fujichrome Velvia 100 **Comments:** I realized too late that this eagle ray was swimming parallel to me about 100 feet to my right. I only had the chance to take one picture and this is how it came out.| | ![Cup coral](/files/old/images/potw_images/020429PW_03_poch_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Bonaire **Fish ID:** Cup coral **Camera:** Fujichrome Velvia 100 **Comments:** This shot was one of about twenty-five with cup coral being the subject. Cup coral is extremely difficult to focus on because it is so intricate and only comes out at night. This was taken underneath the town pier at night.| | ![Grouper](/files/old/images/potw_images/020429PW_04_poch_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Bonaire **Fish ID:** Grouper **Camera:** Fujichrome Velvia 100 **Comments:** Most of the time, grouper will run into the coral as you get close. I was lucky enough to find the one grouper that let me get off about ten shots before he swam away. This grouper was a fantastic subject.| | ![Gorgonian coral](/files/old/images/potw_images/020429PW_05_poch_sm.jpg)| | **Location:** Bonaire **Fish ID:** Gorgonian coral **Camera:** Fujichrome Velvia 100 **Comments:** Just a beautiful shot of a Gorgonian coral. Bonaire has an abundance of Gorgonians; the only problem is lighting them. This shot was lit by two 200 watt Ikelites.| | ![Cowfish](/files/old/images/potw_images/020429PW_06_poch_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Bonaire **Fish ID:** Cowfish **Camera:** Fujichrome Velvia 100 **Comments:** Just what was happening here, I don't know. But as I was photographing, a seahorse, I looked to my left and found two cowfish swimming together, only they were changing their colors like mad.| | ![Plume worms](/files/old/images/potw_images/020429PW_07_poch_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Bonaire **Fish ID:** Plume worms **Camera:** Fujichrome Velvia 100 **Comments:** These two guys were just sitting there together. I took the shot and got it perfectly.| | ![Green-purple anemones](/files/old/images/potw_images/020429PW_08_poch_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Bonaire **Fish ID:** Green-purple anemones **Camera:** Fujichrome Velvia 100 **Comments:** This is truly a story of "you only get one chance." I was in a hurry to get a double reef system and was swimming across a barren sandy stretch when I saw something under a lone rock. As I swam onto the other side of it, I found these two little anemones just hanging out together. This is the only shot I got of them.|
![Ben Poch](/files/old/images/potw_images/na.gif)| Ben Poch **from Dallas, Texas** **Age**: 21 **Years Diving**: 10|