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Wreck Diving with Stuart Cove’s Dive Bahamas
By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On November 5, 2018
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Beneath the aquamarine waters surrounding the Bahamas chain lie a silent fleet of shipwrecks. The vast majority of them are buried beneath the sand and reef, strewn across the sandy seabed like lost treasure. They have made the Bahamas famous, rightfully earning the sobriquet, “Wreck Capital of the Caribbean”.

There are thousands of them and most will be left undisturbed forever. But about 50 or so are accessible to divers. Most of these are scattered around the southwest coast of New Providence Island, more than 40 of them sunk over the past four decades by Stuart Cove’s Dive Bahamas just a short boat ride from the dock. With names like Port Nelson, Sea Trader, Vulcan Bomber, Steel Forest or Twin Sisters, they beckon to underwater explorers searching for adventure, mystery and a taste of a rich maritime history.

For pure visual impact, few underwater experiences surpass the excitement and beauty of descending into the depths and watching a ghost ship with its distinctive lines and bulk slowly but steadily materialize out of the blue, literally.

©Manuela Kirschner

Ray of Hope

©Manuela Kirschner


Every diver has a favorite wreck or two and Stuart Cove is no exception. The iconic Bond Wrecks rank high on his list.

Intentionally sunk as movie sets, Vulcan Bomber was used in the 1965 Bond film ‘Thunderball’ and The Tears of Allah appeared in the 1983 film ‘Never Say Never Again’, both starring Sean Connery. They are among the most famous wrecks in the world, but not only for their featured role in Bond films. Today, decades after their on-screen cameos, they have become an integral part of the local reef system, creating a vibrant, healthy haven for marine life.

Another popular wreck, Sea Trader, is one of the best beginner wreck dives in the Bahamas. Set against a stunning backdrop of classic clear Bahamian water, the 250-foot oil tanker donated to Stuart Cove’s team by its owner, is a perfect introduction to the adventure of wreck diving for new and experienced divers alike.

At the site of the Twin Sister Wrecks, two relatively small oil tankers that were donated by Shell provide an excellent combination of wreck and artificial reef experience. Situated near a dramatic 6,500 foot drop off, this beautiful pair of wrecks lie at different depths, one deeper at 80-100 feet with a penetrable hold and the other shallower at 45-50 feet with a picturesque wheelhouse.

There are so many to see, each representing much more than a biography.

©Stuart Cove’s Dive Bahamas

Vulcan Bomber

©Stuart Cove’s Dive Bahamas


The wrecks around New Providence are so much more than dive sites. Over the past 40 years, Stuart Cove’s Dive Bahamas has played a fundamental role in sinking old ships to support the Bahamas’ Artificial Reef Program. The program’s goal is to create artificial reefs to help reduce the constant pressure put on the local reef systems by supplying a safe platform that will sustain and revitalize the local marine environment. Stuart Cove’s contribution has been invaluable.

His cooperative relationship with the Bahamian Port Authority and the Royal Bahamas Defense Force has afforded him access to a wide variety of wrecks which he and his team, at his own expense, prepare properly for safe use as artificial reefs, move to a suitable pre-designated location and execute a controlled descent to the ocean bed to begin a new life as an artificial reef and underwater attraction for divers. For divers, the result is a virtual playground of exceptional sites with a distinctive wreck as the main attraction.

©Stuart Cove’s Dive Bahamas

Sea Trader

©Stuart Cove’s Dive Bahamas


With a remarkable array of wrecks and new ones being added frequently, wreck diving with Stuart Cove’s Dive Bahamas will never disappoint, even for adrenalin-seekers who crave a shark encounter on their wreck dive…

Photographers and videographers will also find a rich source of interesting and diverse subject matter and endless photo ops from wide angle to macro. With so many wrecks so accessible, every dive presents dramatic vistas, unique architecture, vibrant colored encrustations and fascinating creatures large and small.

But for most divers, the experience of an epic wreck dive can be breathtaking enough, and you never know what you may encounter. So, when you descend on one of Stuart Cove’s shipwrecks, remember to breathe…and take a moment to appreciate the magic that surrounds you. And, as for the amazing and sometimes humorous stories behind the wrecks that he has sent to the bottom of the sea, well, those are for the Wreck Wrangler himself to tell when you come Stuart Cove’s Dive Bahamas to dive on their amazing sunken treasures.

Stuart Cove’s Dive Bahamas visits wreck dive sites every day. Ask about Wreck Packages that feature all wrecks, all day and include a Wreck Diving Specialty Course and certification. Stuart Cove’s Dive Bahamas is located on the southwest coast of New Providence Island in the Bahamas, 179 miles southeast of Miami, Florida, and an easy 45- minute flight from MIA International Airport to Nassau.

Year-round trade winds bless the islands with a consistently balmy climate and excellent diving conditions. March to October temperatures hover above 80 degrees with the average water temperature maintaining a stable 80 degrees all year long. Underwater visibility averages 80-100 feet.

During the summer season, a shorty or 1 mm full suit is sufficient for most dives, but a full body suit is required on shark dives. In the cooler winter season, a 3 mm or 5 mm wetsuit is recommended. A full range of dive gear including wetsuits, masks, fins, regulators and BCs is available for rental at Stuart Cove’s Dive Bahamas.

For more information or to book a an amazing shark adventure at Stuart Cove’s Dive Bahamas, go to, email or call (954)524-5755 or 800-879-9832.