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Trip Cancellation Insurance - Don't Leave Home Without It

Trip cancellation insurance is designed to reimburse you for financial losses incurred when you're forced to cancel a trip or interrupt it.

How Safe Is Your Dive Operator?

23 things to look for before you step aboard another dive boat.

Never Get Lost Again: A 4-Step Program

Lost under water? We can help. Lost in the Wal-Mart parking lot? You're on your own.

Instruction: CNS Oxygen Toxicity

Too much of a good thing can be hazardous to your health.

Tips for Low-Vis Diving

What to do when the water turns from gin-clear to Bloody Mary.

Use Less Air, Get Perfect Buoyancy, Navigate With Ease

The three essential skills every diver must have, and 16 tips for a lifetime of better diving.

Hidden Dangers

Have you grown complacent when it comes to dive safety? Here are eight examples of how little mistakes can add up to big trouble.