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Futuristic Aquarium Design Proposed for New York City

By Mary Frances Emmons | Published On August 31, 2016
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Futuristic Aquarium Design Proposed for New York City

Divers fall into two camps when it comes to aquariums: those opposed to the collection and captivity of marine animals, and those who point to the education, conservation and rescue work often done by such institutions.

But wherever you stand, you have to admit, the design of Aquatrium is eye-popping.

Futuristic underwater city

A futuristic Aquatrium.

Lissoni Architettura

The proposal was produced for a competition on how to develop a vacant parcel of land in Queens, along New York’s East River. Organizers received 178 designs from 40 countries; Italian architect Piero Lissoni led a team that produced the winner: a submerged circular aquarium with an atrium displaying eight transparent bubbles, or biomes, that “pop up” above river level. The open air space would feature a retractable roof that, when closed at night, turns Aquatrium into a planetarium, protecting the complex “like a shell protects the pearl,” its designers said.

The eight biomes represent the world’s seas, one each for the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian and Southern oceans, plus the Caribbean, Mediterranean, Tasman and Red seas. A central iceberg — yes, iceberg — would represent the poles.

“The main idea is to generate an environment whereby visitors feel that they themselves are entering the water to discover the beauty of the marine life on display,”

the team said in a statement.

Let’s be glad we’re divers and can enter the water for real — this highly speculative plan is unlikely to become a reality anytime soon.