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What It's Like to Fossil Dive in South Carolina

Contributor Rachel Plunkett chronicles her North American dive adventures while living the nomad lifestyle—finding places to dive wherever her van is parked.

Rescue's Rewards

A rescue class can save your life and make you a better diver in the process.

Everything You Need to Know About a Scuba Diving Self-Rescue

Every scuba diver should be prepared for an emergency. When you face unexpected problems underwater, no one is in a better position to solve them than you are.

Diving Impaired: Nitrogen Narcosis

Can diving be too much fun? The dangers of nitrogen narcosis and how you can avoid them.

57 Ways to Improve Your Dive Gear

Customizing your dive gear for greater safety and comfort. Plus: 12 "improvements" you should never make.

Dive Training: Double Your Bottom Time

How to radically stretch no-decompression limits and live to tell about it. Get more dive training and scuba safety tips at

Dive Training: Rescue Diver, Confidence Course

In Rescue Diver training, our writer learns to save a diver in distress, and manages to save his pride in the process. For more advanced diving training tips, visit

Dive Training: 23 Advanced Certifications

Divers looking for training beyond open-water certification face a dizzying array of options. For more dive training tips, go to