Michael Ange Articles
Don't let these common misconceptions about scuba diving hold you back.
This step-by-step guide explains the best way to clean your scuba gear—from your regulator to your wetsuit—so your gear stays in top shape.
Thanks to flexible training options, learning to dive has never been easier.
Make sure you're properly trained in drysuit diving and understand its features — and make sure you understand the risks involved in diving in very cold water.
Want a professional diving career? We've tips to get you started on your quest to become a dive professional.
Poor planning and heavy exertion turned Bill's dive toxic. Learn from this latest installment in our Dive Training series "Lessons For Life."
Low-vis diving lets you expand your range. Get more dive training and scuba safety tips at scubadiving.com
An experienced diver ignores all the rules of proper wreck diving and doesn't realize his SPG is malfunctioning. Scuba diving accidents and safety tips.
Underwater wreck excavation and salvage are serious and dangerous businesses for scuba divers. This is one accident that could have been avoided.