Scuba Diving BCs: Behind-The-Scenes Photos Of ScubaLab's Gear Review

John Michael BullockWe've Got Your Back
Need a new BC? Check out ScubaLab's full review!
Last April ScubaLab spent two days conducting gear tests on BCs at Blue Grotto in Williston, Florida for our 2016 BC review. Here's a behind-the-scenes look as our team of test divers took some of the newest travel and back-inflation BCs into the depths of the freshwater spring during our first day of gear testing. Divers recorded their observations about each BC’s performance, and assigned scores from 5 (excellent) to 1 (poor) in each of the following categories:
- ASSEMBLY Ease and security of tank and hose attachments
- LOADING WEIGHTS Ease of loading integrated-weight system
- COMFORT AND ADJUSTABILITY Both in and out of the water
- ATTITUDE AND STABILITY Control and security in swim, vertical and other positions
- CARGO POCKETS Access, closures and capacity
- VALVE OPERATION Inflating by power and manual inflator, and exhausting with all dump valves
- ASCENT CONTROL Ability to maintain proper ascent rate and attitude
- SURFACE FLOATING Comfort and security at the surface
- DITCHING WEIGHTS Ability to drop weights quickly and easily without fear of accidental ditching

John Michael BullockScubaLab testing scuba diving gear at Blue Grotto
All Hands On Deck
Blue Grotto's spacious deck proved an excellent staging ground for setting up all of the test BCs and other scuba diving gear.

John Michael BullockScubaLab bc test diver sets up scuba gear at Blue Grotto, Florida
Test-Divers, Assemble!
ScubaLab Tester Matt Jones checks his waterproof score sheet while gearing up. An important part of the gear test was how easily and securely the BC attached to the tank and hoses.

John Michael BullockScuba diver dons gear for ScubaLab BC test at Blue Grotto
Gearing Up
Patricia Wuest, Editor-In-Chief for Scuba Diving and Sport Diver dons her scuba diving equipment for the BC test.

John Michael BullockScubaLab scuba diving gear test at Blue Grotto, Florida
Adjusting for Inflation
ScubaLab Director Roger Roy makes some final adjustments to his gear before entering the water.

John Michael BullockScuba divers write down underwater notes at Blue Grotto for a ScubaLab gear test
Write That Down!
Deputy Editor Mary Frances and Editor-In-Chief Patricia Wuest note their observations while underwater using slates and waterproof paper.

John Michael BullockScuba diver test gear for ScubaLab BC review at Blue Grotto
And We'll All Float On Alright
ScubaLab Director Roger Roy tests out the surface floating position for a BC at Blue Grotto.

John Michael BullockScuba diver testing gear underwater photo Blue Grotto, Florida
Test Time
Patricia Wuest, Editor-In-Chief for Scuba Diving and Sport Diver testing the stability of a BC at Blue Grotto.

John Michael BullockScuba diving gear for the ScubaLab BC test at Blue Grotto
Gear Wrangling
Our Test Team Supervisor keeps everything running smoothly by organizing the BCs by model and size.

John Michael BullockScuba divers underwater for ScubaLab BC gear test at Blue Grotto
Getting Down To Business
Divers descend into Blue Grotto to test out BCs.
Want more behind-the-scenes?
Click here for part 2 of our BC test for more behind-the-scenes photos.
Or you can find photos from our in-water dive light test here.