Robby Myers has been diving since 2014, when he was certified through Indiana University’s Center of Under Water Science. He moved to Florida to pursue a career in diving where he worked part-time at an aquarium before joining the staff of Scuba Diving magazine. Robby oversees ScubaLab, the gear testing arm of Scuba Diving. Even outside of ScubaLab’s head-to-head gear testing, his dive kit usually incorporates one or more pieces of the latest gear. Some of his favorite destinations include Galapagos and French Polynesia, but you’ll often find him testing dive equipment in Central Florida’s freshwater springs.
Save Ontario Shipwrecks is a nonprofit that works to preserve the many boats underwater in the Great Lakes, and they need scuba divers to help on this mission!
Check out the photos from ScubaLab's latest gear review, where our team of divers tested 15 of the best dive lights on the market.
Do you want to help save manta rays around the world? Take action with the Manta Trust to help conserve our ocean planet!
Whale research is nothing to sneeze at, but this aerial drone will be used to track whales around the world using their blow-hole emissions.
While filming for Discovery Channel's Shark Week, a film crew discovered that great white sharks can be attracted to heavy metal music.
Experience the unrivaled beauty of scuba diving in Cuba's Gardens of the Queen - where sharks, crocodiles, and adventure wait just below the surface!