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10 Reasons Scuba Divers Love Fiji

With thrilling shark dives and beautiful soft coral reefs, Fiji has it all.
By Terry Ward | Published On April 29, 2019
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10 Reasons Scuba Divers Love Fiji

10 Reasons Scuba Divers Love Fiji Map

A technicolor dreamscape awaits in the "soft-coral capital of the world."

Stuart Hill

1. Beqa Lagoon’s Cathedral

Encounters with tiger sharks lure most divers to this dive site off Beqa Island, located just south of Fiji’s largest island, Viti Levu. At the Cathedral, the feeding environment (chum in a metal box) pulls in tiger sharks, bulls, lemons, gray reefs and blacktips too. Divers kneel on the bottom in water about 65 feet deep and get set for some serious action.

2. Namena Marine Reserve

Fiji’s largest no-take marine ­reserve, this protected zone located between the main islands of Viti Levu and Vanua Levu is a soft-coral paradise full of rare species. The site Grand Central Station is known for striking arch formations ­covered with corals, but any dive within Namena is a winner.

3. Dine alfresco in Port Denarau

Fijian food, heavily influenced by ­Indian cuisine, is delicious. But when only a burger will do, head to this hot spot on the water in the Port Denarau Marina for the famous Mick Burger, topped with ­bacon, avocado and cheese.

4. Great White Wall

A real-world Eden, Fiji’s “­Garden I­sland” of Taveuni is home to the epic Great White Wall on Rainbow Reef. Here, a carpet of white soft corals, accessed via a tunnel through the top of the reef, ­blankets the underwater scene to ­luminous, snowy effect.

5. Supermarket

Resident gray reef sharks abound at this fabulous wall dive in the ­Mamanuca island chain, where schooling surgeon-fish and barracuda are often seen ­patrolling near pristine patches of coral. Blacktip and whitetip reef sharks get in on the action too, browsing the ­Supermarket for their next meal.

6. Waterfall Trek

From Suva, head out on day-trip ­hiking tours that visit the ­spectacular waterfalls at Nabalesere, where you can cool off with a swim, and the ­historic caves at Wailotua. Multiday guided ­trekking is also available.

7. Vatu-i-Ra Passage

Located in the Bligh Water, between Fiji’s two main islands, the Vatu-i-Ra Passage is a narrow channel that teems with life and offers some of Fiji’s most colorful drift diving (the site dubbed Wheatfield is a favorite). More than 300 species of coral and 1,000 species of fish can be seen here, with resident pilot whales also commonly spotted.

Read More: The Best Dive Destinations in the World

8. Ride a jet boat to a Fijian village

Half-day eco and cultural adventures with Sigatoka River Safari take you aboard a jet boat up the beautiful ­Sigatoka ­River into Viti Levu’s hinterlands to visit an ­authentic Fijian village.

9. Pacific Voyager

Fiji isn’t known for wreck diving, but this purpose-sunk tanker off Kadavu is a favorite with critter hunters and macro photographers. Colorful nudibranchs, sea slugs and many species of juvenile fish abound.

10. Raft a wild river

Challenging rapids hidden ­within pristine wilderness in the highlands of Viti Levu make for a rollicking ride during rafting tours on the Upper Navua River.