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Look: Bohar Snapper in the Red Sea

By Alex Mustard | Published On May 23, 2015
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Look: Bohar Snapper in the Red Sea

Alex Mustard


LOCATION: Red Sea, Sinai, Egypt

ABOUT THE SHOT: A school of Bohar snapper can be the size of a bus. Here, I wanted to capture the personality of an indi- vidual against the backdrop of the aggregation. I used a Nikon D100 and Nikon 105mm lens in a Subal housing set at f/13, 1/45 sec, ISO 200, Subtronic strobes and a lighting technique that I named un- derwater telephoto, where the fashes are positioned out in front of the camera to reduce their light path.

GO NOW: Red Sea Aggressor

Alex Mustard


LOCATION: Red Sea, Sinai, Egypt

ABOUT THE SHOT: A school of Bohar snapper can be the size of a bus. Here, I wanted to capture the personality of an indi- vidual against the backdrop of the aggregation. I used a Nikon D100 and Nikon 105mm lens in a Subal housing set at f/13, 1/45 sec, ISO 200, Subtronic strobes and a lighting technique that I named un- derwater telephoto, where the fashes are positioned out in front of the camera to reduce their light path.

GO NOW: Red Sea Aggressor