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How to Photograph Pelagic Sharks

Pro Photographer Jay Clue shares some simple tips for getting epic photos of Oceanic White Tips and other pelagic sharks.

How Captive Breeding is Helping Shark Conservation

The organization ReShark works to help threatened shark populations bounce back in a unique way.

Epic Shark Diving in the Bahamas

If you’re looking for the thrill of a lifetime, you’ll want to head for the Shark Arena where Stuart Cove’s world-renowned shark experts promise an experience you’ll never forget.

Join the Pelagic Party in Byron Bay, Australia

On Australia’s most easterly point, Nguthungulli Julian Rocks is a lesser-known spot with some of the best diving in Australia.

Looking for Lost Sharks

Californian scientist David A. Ebert, an expert in searching for sharks considered extinct, explores the coasts of Ecuador and northern Peru in search of clues about the sharpfin houndshark (Triakis acutipinna), a shark species that has not been recorded for over 60 years.

How Scuba Divers Are Helping to Save the Critically Endangered Angel Shark

What organizations do divers need to know about? Dr. David Shiffman features the Angel Shark Project. The Angel Shark Project and Angel Shark Conservation Network use data from scuba divers to understand and protect critically endangered sharks.

Cabo’s Other Wild Side: Swimming with Blue and Mako Sharks

Wildlife photographer and writer Brandon Cole takes you on a thrilling ride into Cabo's wildest adventure; diving with sharks.


Minorities in Shark Sciences Makes Marine Biology and Conservation Accessible to All

This month's organizations divers should know highlights Minorities in Shark Sciences. MISS provides community and professional development opportunities and internships to people historically excluded from ocean science.

Diving with—and Saving—North Carolina's Sand Tiger Sharks

On North Carolina’s Crystal Coast, divers have the opportunity to give back while enjoying some the country's best shark diving with Spot A Shark USA.