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Jim Matyszyk of Forestville, Conn.

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On October 18, 2006
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Jim Matyszyk of Forestville, Conn.

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week

Jim Matyszyk

Congratulations Jim Matyszyk on being named Photographer of the Week
Jim Matyszyk Jim Matyszyk from Forestville, Conn. Years diving: 20 Occupation: Teacher
Location: Barbados Dive Site: Boot Reef Marine Life ID: Turtle Camera and Settings: Olympus 4040 in Tetra housing, ISO 100, f-10, 1/200 sec, SB-105, dual strobes @1/16 Description: I looked over my shoulder and saw this beautiful guy swimming next to me.
Location: Key Largo, Fla. Dive Site: Spiegel Grove Marine Life ID: Octopus Camera and Settings: Olympus 4040 in Tetra housing, ISO 100, f-9, 1/80 sec, SB-105, dual strobes @1/16 Description: When I first dropped down onto the wreck I nearly put my hand right on this octopus, which caused him to flash colors.
Location: Grand Cayman Dive Site: Wreck of the Oro Verde Marine Life ID: Jacks Camera and Settings: Olympus 4040 in Tetra housing, ISO 100, f-8, 1/60 sec, SB-105, strobe @1/4 Description: I saw this school of jacks swimming in nearly perfect formation over the Oro Verde and knew I had one chance to get the shot.
Blackbar soldierfish in barrel sponge
Location: Barbados Dive Site: Fork Reef Marine Life ID: Blackbar soldierfish in barrel sponge Camera and Settings: Olympus 4040 in Tetra housing, ISO 100, f-10, 1/80 sec, SB-105, dual strobes @1/16 Description: I saw this little soldierfish go into a sponge and knew he had to come out. When he finally peeked out, I got the shot.
Grouper in barrel sponge
Location: Cozumel, Mexico Dive Site: Palancar Reef Marine Life ID: Grouper in barrel sponge Camera and Settings: Olympus 4040 in Tetra housing, ISO 100, f-8, 1/60 sec, SB-105, strobe @1/4 Description: This photo really gives no indication of size, but this grouper and sponge were both quite large.
Coral-encrusted wheel
Location: Barbados Dive Site: Wreck of the Stavronikita Marine Life ID: Coral-encrusted wheel Camera and Settings: Olympus 4040 in Tetra housing, ISO 100, f-10, 1/200 sec, SB-105, dual strobes @1/16 Description: This is one of those photos that makes you say "Wow!"
Location: Key Largo, Fla. Dive Site: Snapper Ledge Marine Life ID: Grunts Camera and Settings: Olympus 4040 in Tetra housing, ISO 100, f-10, 1/200 sec, SB-105, dual strobes @1/16 Description: I was hoping this school of grunts wouldn't scatter by the time I swam close enough to get the shot, and luckily they did not.
Butterflyfish against a sea fan
Location: Key Largo, Fla. Dive Site: Molasses Reef Marine Life ID: Butterflyfish against a sea fan Camera and Settings: Olympus 4040 in Tetra housing, ISO 100, f-9, 1/100 sec, SB-105, dual strobes @1/16, 15mm wide-angle lens Description: The simplicity of composition makes this one of my favorite shots this year.

|| |---| | Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week|

Jim Matyszyk

|||| |---|---|---| | Congratulations Jim Matyszyk on being named Photographer of the Week | | | |

| ![Turtle](/files/old/images/potw_images/051904PW_01_matyszyk_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Barbados **Dive Site:** Boot Reef **Marine Life ID:** Turtle **Camera and Settings:** Olympus 4040 in Tetra housing, ISO 100, f-10, 1/200 sec, SB-105, dual strobes @1/16 **Description:** I looked over my shoulder and saw this beautiful guy swimming next to me.| | ![Octopus](/files/old/images/potw_images/051904PW_02_matyszyk_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Key Largo, Fla. **Dive Site:** Spiegel Grove **Marine Life ID:** Octopus **Camera and Settings:** Olympus 4040 in Tetra housing, ISO 100, f-9, 1/80 sec, SB-105, dual strobes @1/16 **Description:** When I first dropped down onto the wreck I nearly put my hand right on this octopus, which caused him to flash colors.| | ![Jacks](/files/old/images/potw_images/051904PW_03_matyszyk_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Grand Cayman **Dive Site:** Wreck of the _Oro Verde_ **Marine Life ID:** Jacks **Camera and Settings:** Olympus 4040 in Tetra housing, ISO 100, f-8, 1/60 sec, SB-105, strobe @1/4 **Description:** I saw this school of jacks swimming in nearly perfect formation over the _Oro Verde_ and knew I had one chance to get the shot.| | ![Blackbar soldierfish in barrel sponge](/files/old/images/potw_images/051904PW_04_matyszyk_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Barbados **Dive Site:** Fork Reef **Marine Life ID:** Blackbar soldierfish in barrel sponge **Camera and Settings:** Olympus 4040 in Tetra housing, ISO 100, f-10, 1/80 sec, SB-105, dual strobes @1/16 **Description:** I saw this little soldierfish go into a sponge and knew he had to come out. When he finally peeked out, I got the shot.| | ![Grouper in barrel sponge](/files/old/images/potw_images/051904PW_05_matyszyk_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Cozumel, Mexico **Dive Site:** Palancar Reef **Marine Life ID:** Grouper in barrel sponge **Camera and Settings:** Olympus 4040 in Tetra housing, ISO 100, f-8, 1/60 sec, SB-105, strobe @1/4 **Description:** This photo really gives no indication of size, but this grouper and sponge were both quite large.| | ![Coral-encrusted wheel](/files/old/images/potw_images/051904PW_06_matyszyk_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Barbados **Dive Site:** Wreck of the _Stavronikita_ **Marine Life ID:** Coral-encrusted wheel **Camera and Settings:** Olympus 4040 in Tetra housing, ISO 100, f-10, 1/200 sec, SB-105, dual strobes @1/16 **Description:** This is one of those photos that makes you say "Wow!"| | ![Grunts](/files/old/images/potw_images/051904PW_07_matyszyk_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Key Largo, Fla. **Dive Site:** Snapper Ledge **Marine Life ID:** Grunts **Camera and Settings:** Olympus 4040 in Tetra housing, ISO 100, f-10, 1/200 sec, SB-105, dual strobes @1/16 **Description:** I was hoping this school of grunts wouldn't scatter by the time I swam close enough to get the shot, and luckily they did not.| | ![Butterflyfish against a sea fan](/files/old/images/potw_images/051904PW_08_matyszyk_lg.jpg)| | **Location:** Key Largo, Fla. **Dive Site:** Molasses Reef **Marine Life ID:** Butterflyfish against a sea fan **Camera and Settings:** Olympus 4040 in Tetra housing, ISO 100, f-9, 1/100 sec, SB-105, dual strobes @1/16, 15mm wide-angle lens **Description:** The simplicity of composition makes this one of my favorite shots this year.|
![Jim Matyszyk](/files/old/images/potw_images/051904PW_00_matyszyk.jpg)| Jim Matyszyk **from Forestville, Conn.** **Years diving**: 20 **Occupation**: Teacher|
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