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3 Nearshore Habitats to Dive

When most people think of scuba diving, they imagine the vast, deep blue open ocean, a topical coral reef or perhaps a jungle-like kelp forest.

What It's Like to Create an Underwater Museum in Minecraft

The Underwater Museum in Minecraft is a photography exhibition about the Peruvian Sea installed inside the videogame.

Minorities in Shark Sciences Makes Marine Biology and Conservation Accessible to All

This month's organizations divers should know highlights Minorities in Shark Sciences.

Marine Species Invasion or Relocation

Alaskan pollock, black sea urchins and other marine species seek out new territories in the face of climate change

Evolutionary Drift: An Interview with Our Closest Invertebrate Relatives

Enjoy an enlightening interview with a twist of deep ocean humor.

Diving with—and Saving—North Carolina's Sand Tiger Sharks

On North Carolina’s Crystal Coast, divers have the opportunity to give back while enjoying some the country's best shark diving with Spot A Shark USA.

Tuna, Mercury and Bioaccumulation: Have Humans Made it Worse?

In this edition of “Ask a Marine Biologist,” Dr. David Shiffman explains the health reasons behind limiting how much apex predator you eat.

Malpelo: Oasis in the Deep

Explore the beauty hidden beneath this underwater mountain chain off the coast of Colombia.