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Why Do Fish Travel in Schools?

When survival is the goal, greater security comes with numbers. Here, we're taking a closer look at schools and shoals—plus, we'll tell you how to capture the best underwater photos.

Prehistoric Whale Skull Discovered in Virginia Swamp

It may not be Swamp Thing, but this prehistoric whale skull is a creature from another world. Read how one lucky diver discovered it!

Where to Scuba Dive with Killer Whales

Forget SeaWorld, scuba diving with Killer whales — aka orca whales — is the best encounter you can have. Find out where to dive with these massive toothed predators.

SnotBot Drone Used to Collect Whale Data Using "Snot"

Whale research is nothing to sneeze at, but this aerial drone will be used to track whales around the world using their blow-hole emissions.

Black Magic: Night Diving with Manta Rays in Kona, Hawaii

Looking for the best diving in Hawaii? Underwater photographer Judy G shows us how magical Kona's manta night dive truly is.

Dive Operators Use Music, Not Chum, To Attract Great White Sharks

While filming for Discovery Channel's Shark Week, a film crew discovered that great white sharks can be attracted to heavy metal music.

Sea Watch: Where to Dive with Humphead Wrasse

Want to know where to go scuba diving with Napoleon (aka humpback) wrasse? We have the answers you seek!

Volunteer to Save Sharks in Mexico with the Whale Shark Research Project

Want to get involved with saving the ocean and marine life? Join the Whale Shark Research Project and save the biggest fish in the sea!