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Why Do Fish Travel in Schools?

When survival is the goal, greater security comes with numbers. Here, we're taking a closer look at schools and shoals—plus, we'll tell you how to capture the best underwater photos.

The Best Places to Go Shark Diving

Many of the world's hottest shark scuba diving spots also offer can't-miss topside thrills to keep your heart rate up between dives.

Video: Corals and Sponges Come to Life in this Amazing Time-lapse Film

Marine Biologist and PhD student Daniel Stoupin has made an amazing time-lapse video of the Great Barrier Reef's sponges and corals under high magnification, showing a world of color and shapes tha

Sharks on land, Chapter 4: A Story for Scuba Diving Readers

An exclusive Mike Scott short story from the author of the newly released dive novel "Heart of the Maya," wherein the protagonist breaks up an illegal shark-finning group in the Bahamas Written jus

Jaw-Dropping Shark Photos to Prepare for Shark Week

Are you ready for Shark Week? Check out 15 amazing shark photos from our 2014 Underwater Photo Contest!

Liveaboard: Humpback Whales of the Dominican Republic

The humpback whales of the Dominican Republic's Silver Bank are in the mood for love — whether it be romantic or motherly love.

Florida Goliath Grouper Spawning: An Underwater Orgy

Goliath grouper spawning off Florida's coast is an epic adventure if you're lucky enough to find the party.

Terrible Beauty: 11 Risky Reef Dwellers

We all know that we should avoid touching a reef. But are you aware of the many common reef inhabitants that are capable of inflicting a painful, and occasionally fatal, wound?