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Scuba Gear

Everything you need to know about scuba diving gear all in one place, including buyer’s guides, head-to-head reviews and how-to guides.

Best Scuba Gear of the Year

If you’re in the market for something new, or if you just want to know what features and innovations in gear we thought really hit the mark, look no further—you’re in the right place.

How to Clean and Maintain Your Dive Gear

Finally pulled the plug and purchased your first set of scuba gear? Here are the top ten tips you'll need to know to keep your gear clean and properly maintained.

Best Scuba Regulators of 2024 Reviewed

ScubaLab tests and reviews five new regulators. Find out which fins won ScubaLab Testers Choice and Best Buy.

Recent Articles

Apeks VX1 Mask: ScubaLab Testers Choice

Lightweight with a comfortable, dry seal, the Apeks VX1 was our Testers Choice for single-lens masks.

Atomic Aquatics Subframe Mask: ScubaLab Testers Choice

For outstanding performance and comfort, the Atomic Aquatics Subframe dive mask was our Testers Choice for dual-lens masks in the 2020 dive mask review.

Spyderco WaterWay


Innovative Scuba Concepts Mask and Fin Holder: ScubaLab Best Buy

The Innovative Scuba Concepts Mask & Fin Holder was a Best Buy in the 2019 ScubaLab dive accessory test.

Underwater Kinetics HangAir Hanger: ScubaLab Testers Choice

The Hangair from Underwater Kinetics made it easy to dry out wetsuits and drysuits and was picked as a Testers Choice during the 2019 ScubaLab dive accessory test.

The Best Way to Clean Your New Dive Mask

ScubaLab testers helped us to determine the best way to clean a new mask and keep it from fogging in a blind test as part of the 2020 dive mask test.

Mac Sports Wagon: ScubaLab Testers Choice

With a travel-friendly design that’s handy for hauling heavy loads, the Mac Sports Wagon is a ScubaLab Testers Choice.