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Scuba Gear

Everything you need to know about scuba diving gear all in one place, including buyer’s guides, head-to-head reviews and how-to guides.

Best Scuba Gear of the Year

If you’re in the market for something new, or if you just want to know what features and innovations in gear we thought really hit the mark, look no further—you’re in the right place.

How to Clean and Maintain Your Dive Gear

Finally pulled the plug and purchased your first set of scuba gear? Here are the top ten tips you'll need to know to keep your gear clean and properly maintained.

Best Scuba Regulators of 2024 Reviewed

ScubaLab tests and reviews five new regulators. Find out which fins won ScubaLab Testers Choice and Best Buy.

Recent Articles

SeaLife Micro 3.0 Dual Beam Set

This set combines SeaLife’s user-friendly, leak-proof Micro 3.0 camera with the new SeaDragon Pro Dual Beam.

SeaLife Micro 3.0 Underwater Camera

SeaLife’s compact, user-friendly camera is fully sealed and waterproof to 200 feet (60meters).

SeaLife SportDiver Pro 2500 Set

Take advantage of your smartphone’s powerful imaging capabilities with this Bluetooth-enabled, vacuum-sealed housing when shooting underwater photos and videos down todepths of 130 feet (40 meters).

SeaLife Micro Wide Angle Dome Lens

Get as close as 4 inches from your subject and get everything in frame with this ultra-wide-angle dome lens for SeaLife Micro-series camera and the ReefMaster RM-4K camera.

SeaLife Sea Dragon Mini 1300S POWER KIT

The Sea Dragon Mini 1300S offers an ultra-narrow8-degree beam for long-range viewingand a max output of 1,300 lumens, with two lower-level power setting and two emergencystrobe functions.

SeaLife Sea Dragon Mini 900S Power Kit

Compact and lightweight, this tiny dive light easily slips into a BC pocket.

14 of the Best BCDs in 2022

Jacket and back-inflate BCDs for male and female divers.