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BREAKING: All 12 Boys and Their Coach Rescued from Cave in Thailand

By Becca Hurley | Published On July 10, 2018
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BREAKING: All 12 Boys and Their Coach Rescued from Cave in Thailand

Cave Diver rescue

After spending more than two weeks being trapped in the Tham Luang Cave system in northern Thailand all 12 boys and their coach have been rescued.


It has been confirmed that all 12 boys and their soccer coach have been rescued from deep within the Tham Luang Cave network in northern Thailand. The dramatic rescue comes after the boys and their coach spent more than two weeks being trapped in the cave system, 2 1/2 miles from the entrance. Thai Navy SEALs, rescue scuba divers from around the world, local volunteers, an Australian doctor and medical teams, and countless others can be credited for the successful cave rescue mission.

On Sunday, July 8, the first four boys were brought out of the cave. On Monday, July 9, an additional four boys were extracted from the cave, and on Tuesday, July 10, the remaining boys and their coach were brought to safety. The entire team and coach are currently receiving medical attention in a nearby hospital.

With any cave rescue, there are risks due to the presence of an overhead environment. The rescue team divers navigated dark, flooded tunnels for up to six hours to reach the trapped boys and coach. The return trip to the entrance took up to 5 hours. Experts warned of potential hazards — including dangerous obstacles inside the cave, dwindling oxygen levels and monsoon rains that threatened to worsen the flooding inside the cave — but despite all the challenges, the boys and their coach were rescued. Sadly, Saman Kunan, a former Thai Navy SEAL who had returned to help with the rescue operation, died on Friday, July 6, during a mission to place tanks of compressed air inside the cave.

This story has captivated global media, and today, the world can celebrate that all 12 boys and their coach have been rescued.

See below for the happy reactions flooding social media: