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Five Reasons Your Dive Kit is the Only Relationship You Need

By Andra Janieks | Published On February 11, 2020
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Five Reasons Your Dive Kit is the Only Relationship You Need

For divers, there’s really only one companion we need…our scuba diving kit!

Scuba Diver with Gear

Scuba diving woman ready to dive in the Maldives.


Our dive kit is there when we need it, it doesn’t tell lies and mood swings are nonexistent. Basically, it’s the best relationship you’ll ever have. If you don’t believe us, read on.

1. It’s Reliable and Trustworthy

If you have a dive at 7 am, you know that your dive kit will be there and ready to go on time. How many humans can you say that about? Your dive kit doesn’t snooze the alarm to sleep in or need an extra fifteen-minutes to put on makeup. It’s ready to go when you are, every time, no matter what.

As long as you take care of your scuba diving gear, you can trust it. Do you ever worry that your dive computer is giving you false information? Probably not. That’s not true for many people who question what their significant other does when they’re not around. Trust is hard to find in a relationship, but not with your dive kit.

2. It Doesn’t Ask Much From You

People are hard to please. Even in long-term relationships, there is a responsibility to keep the other person happy. Whether that means planning romantic date nights or helping out more around the house, it can be exhausting trying to keep another person satisfied. Besides the general maintenance, your dive kit only requires a real effort once a year. Even then, all you need to do is drop it off to get serviced and your job is done.

3. You Can Upgrade

In a relationship, you make a promise to stay with someone else, for better or for worse. If you grow apart or change as a person, you face a tough situation. With dive gear, you can constantly upgrade your kit as you change and grow as a diver. Nobody will judge you if you want to switch to the newer model or decide that tech diving is now your thing. Change, grow, and try new things…your dive kit will be with you every step of the way.

4. Save Money

Dive gear might seem expensive, but it’s nothing compared to having a wedding or sending a child to college. You’re basically saving money when you pick your dive kit over a human relationship. Remind yourself of that next time you feel guilty about coveting a new BCD or buying yet another dive accessory.

5. There Are No Games

You know your dive kit, inside and out. You know how much weight you need depending on how many millimeters of neoprene you’re wearing. You know which button on your inflator hose will fill your BCD with air and which will let it out. And this won’t change day to day depending on mood or zodiac sign. You can count on it!